Sunday, 16 March 2014

The 17th and 18th centuries

The 17th and 18th centuries are known for showing wealth, power and class, this is reflected in the artwork created in this period.
The painting (left) was painted by artist Thomas Gainsborough called 'Mr and Mrs Andrews' and shows a couple on there estate. The man has a gun under his arm
 which to me represents power and wealth. He is stood in a proud manor which is a bit cocky which gives the idea that he is showing off and boasting his power.
The woman in the painting is sat at an angle that shows her full body and attire, both the man and woman are wearing clothes which suggest wealth due to the colours and materials which would only be available to higher classes such as the womans blue dress with gold trimming and accessories and her high heeled gold shoes. The woman is also sat elaborately on what appears to be a wooden bench, it is suggested that this painting was not finished of the woman's leg in order for a child to be painted in.

This painting is by Jean- Mark Nattier and shows a woman with her servants , slavery was popular during both the 17th and 18th century and in this image the woman is surrounded by slaves whilst she sits elaborately and proudly, the fact she is elevated and the slaves are on the floor shows her dominance in the image. The fabrics and clothing in the image suggest wealth also such as the thick rug which is on the floor and the rich red over coat that she is dressed in, both these are thick materials and contain red which is usually a colour associated with wealth.
The fact that the slaves are in the painting shows how people liked to boast their class as this woman choose to be painted with them to show her material items and that they are her property.

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