Thursday 15 May 2014


One of the most famous english Landscape photographers is John Blakemore, he is known for both his landscapes and his still life photography both of which he used black and white format for and used darkrooms to create his prints, therefore I believe that he is a relevant source to look at whilst creating my own landscape photography using medium format black and white film.
The image left is one of Blakemore's most famous landscapes it consists of rich colours which could only be created with great technique in
 order to gain a perfectly exposed negative and experience and skills in the dark room in order to expose the print perfectly and use the develop, stop and fix correctly as the colours are intense and rich and therefore it is obvious the print has been developed correctly.
In all of Blakemores images, the landscapes are exposed perfectly and the colours are deep which gives the images an over all powering feel which I would like to create in my imagery and I will proceed to do this by ensuring that I time everything properly in the dark room.
The second and third images are full of strong textures which are defined
by the intricate detail and tones created this gives the photographs a real busy feel as there is a lot going on this makes the images interesting as there are no apparent main features and the whole of the print has stuff going on.
After exploring the work of Blakemore I have realised that developing and technique are important in the process of making a print and need to be timed perfectly as rich colours can be created and intricate details.

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