Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Ethics In Photography

Like every industry, the arts industry and photography industry have ethical values and these are the facters which make photographers more professional, as it is more professional to be ethical than to create your own code of conduct.

In other industries such ethics can be creating products which are safe for consumer use, in photography this may not be applicable but ethics in photography could be creating images that are not offensive or inappropriate to the audience.

Different photographers have different ethics in creating photographs but some are expected in order to be a good photographer for example it is not in the interest to pass another artists work as your own yet you can use other peoples work for your benefit still but in the correct manner for example as a source of research or inspiration for work or reports and referencing the work.

It may also be in a photographers ethics to use model release forms or ask permission before taking photographs obviously this may not apply to all photographers such as documentary photographers but if possible it is deemed more professional.

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