Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Documentary Photographers

As I have based my report topic around documentary photography, I have been looking for documentary photographers who are in todays industry and therefore know how to gain access to the industry and become noticed, which is basically what I am asking, I would like to email these photographers in order to ask questions and achieve primary research.

I have emailed 3 photographers and created interview questions which I would like to ask if I receive a reply:

Do you think you need qualifications in photography to become a photographer?

As a documentary photographer did you find it hard to become recognised?

What would you say is the most effective way to get noticed in this industry?

What technical skills are essential to documentary photographers?

What equipment do you need?

As somebody who wants to gain access to this part of the photography industry, what advice could you give me?

These questions are based around my report question so that I can receive basically an answer to my question off people who are experienced in the field.

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